

Ambient Intelligence represents a vision of the future where we shall be surrounded by technological means, sensitive and responsive to people and their behaviors, deliver advanced functions, services and experiences. Ambient intelligence is expected to combine concepts of ubiquitous technology, intelligent systems and advanced user interfaces putting the humans in the centre of technological developments. Future contextual solutions are envisaged exploiting the power of Ambient Intelligence.

The conference aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry from various disciplines that constitute the field of Ambient Intelligence to present the latest results, discuss the state of art and think about the future.

AmI-09 will bring keynotes, technical papers, workshops, posters & demos, panels and landscapes. In addition to these categories we will feature ambient visions to look into the next decade of Ambient Intelligence.

AmI-09 will feature a 10 years anniversary since the term Ambient Intelligence started to fly around. We explicitly intend to look back what has been achieved, review existing solutions and identify what will come. The conference should provide a forum to establish new roads for the future of Ambient Intelligence.

AmI-09 is the third edition of this conference after AmI-08 in Nürnberg and AmI-07 in Darmstadt. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished work in all areas related to Ambient Intelligence. Contributions are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:

All submissions will be peer reviewed. The main proceedings will appear in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Authors are invited to submit their contributions electronically via the conference website: http://www.ami-09.org.

AmI-09 is held in the famous city of Salzburg in Austria, where history and culture meet modern science. The conference is hosted by the HCI & Usability Unit of the ICT&S Center situated at the University of Salzburg.