O2-1 User Requirements for Intelligent Home Environments : A Scenario-Driven Approach and Empirical Cross-Cultural Study
Rocker, Carsten
- Janse, Maddy D.
- Portolan, Nathalie
- Streitz, Norbert
As formated for the printed proceedings - 62.ps
- 62.pdf
- pages 111-116
As delivered by the authors - 62_pdf_file.pdf
Abstract :
This paper presents the results of an empirical cross-cultural study conducted at six different sites in five European countries in the context of the EU IST-IP project AMIGO, Ambient Intelligence for the Networked Home Environment. The study employed a scenario-driven approach and used quantitative and qualitative methods to elicit feedback from the target user population on concepts for intelligent home environments. The results are clustered and transformed in prioritized design guidelines.
O2-2 Social acceptance of proactive mobile services : observing and anticipating cultural aspects by a Sociology of User Experience method
Forest, Fabrice
- Arhippainen, Leena
As formated for the printed proceedings - 43.ps
- 43.pdf
- pages 117-122
As delivered by the authors - 43_pdf_file.pdf
Abstract :
This paper describes the method of a sociological inquiry achieved in France and Finland within the ADAMOS project. The goals of this inquiry are to understand the social factors of the acceptability for proactive mobile services and identify the cultural differences between French and Finnish users. A prospective vision of the proactive mobile services has been conceptualized and depicted in a demonstrative film. It was shown to French and Finnish people selected according to their user profiles in relation to their ICT usage: the way they conceive of ICT’s in their daily lives. Individual reactions and group dynamics have been filmed and sociologically analyzed. They reveal slight differences between French and Finnish reception of the exposed concept. It suggests how the social acceptability of high-tech services could depend on archaic aspects of the user’s culture.
O2-3 Personal souvenirs as Ambient Intelligent objects
Van den Hoven, Elise
- Eggen, Berry
As formated for the printed proceedings - 59.ps
- 59.pdf
- pages 123-128
As delivered by the authors - 59_pdf_file.pdf
Abstract :
Recollecting memories is an important everyday activity, which can be supported in an Ambient Intelligent environment. For optimal support cues are needed that make people reconstruct their memories. The cue category that is most suitable for an Ambient Intelligent environment concerns physical objects, more specifically souvenirs. This paper shows that personal souvenirs are suitable for usage in an Ambient Intelligent recollecting application.
O2-4 Users Want Simple Control over Device Selection
Misker, Jan M.V.
- Lindenberg, Jasper
- Neerincx, Mark A.
As formated for the printed proceedings - 27.ps
- 27.pdf
- pages 129-134
As delivered by the authors - 27_pdf_file.pdf
Abstract :
When users want to combine various resources in an ambient intelligent environment in an ad hoc manner, they need to be able to identify and select these resources. We conducted an experiment to study various user interaction styles for combining input and output devices in an ambient intelligent environment. The results show that the test subjects prefer to press a designated button on a device to select it. They least prefer an automatic selection. The main conclusion is that our subjects are willing to spend a bit of time and effort in order to gain control over their environment. This supports the claim that users acting in ambient intelligent environments should always be kept in the loop; systems should take care not to alienate their users when making decisions for them.