November 11 - 13, 2014 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands





Tue, 11-11-2014
Full-day WorkshopsHalf-day Workshops
9:15Welcome and Workshop
13:00Workshop continuedWelcome and Workshop

Wed, 12-11-2014
9:00Plenary session 12A - Opening and Keynote lectures
room: SAAL
9:00Opening by conference chairs
Keynote - Personalization in Ambient Intelligence: Exploration vs. Exploitation
Maurits Kaptein, Assistant Professor Artificial Intelligence at Radboud University, The Netherlands
Keynote - The Role of Connected Lighting in Smart Cities
Satyen Mukherjee, Chief Scientist, Sr Director at Philips Research North America
10:40 Session 12B - Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments
Session 12C - Intelligent Driving, Learning and Play
room: VERDER
10:45 Tell Me What to Eat - Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Companion Helping Children and Their Parents to Plan Nutrition Intake
Runhua Xu, Irena Pletikosa Cvijikj, Tobias Kowatsch, Florian Michahelles, Dirk Büchter, Björn Brogle, Anneco Dintheer, Dagmar I'Allemand and Wolfgang Maass (ETH Zurich, University of St.Gallen, Children's Hospital of Eastern Switzerland, St. Gallen, Saarland University)
Steering Gameplay Behavior in the Interactive Tag Playground
Robby van Delden, Alejandro Moreno, Ronald Poppe, Dennis Reidsma and Dirk Heylen (University of Twente, University of Utrecht)
11:15 The impact of the environment on the experience of hospitalized stroke patients - an exploratory study
Elke Daemen, Evert Van Loenen and Roel Cuppen (Philips Research)
Hands-on-the-wheel: Exploring the Design Space on the Back Side of a Steering Wheel
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, David Wilfinger, Martin Murer, Sebastian Osswald and Manfred Tscheligi (University of Salzburg, Technische Universität München)
11:45 Detecting Walking in Synchrony through Smartphone Accelerometer and WiFi traces
Enrique Garcia-Ceja, Venet Osmani, Alban Maxhuni and Oscar Mayora (Tecnológico de Monterrey, CREATE-NET)
Driver-to-Driver Communication on the Highway: What Drivers Want
Chao Wang, Jing Gu, Jacques Terken and Jun Hu (Eindhoven University of Technology)
12:15 SIMDOMO: A Tool for Long-term Simulations of Ambient-Assisted Living
Massimo Zancanaro, Michele Marchesoni and Giampaolo Armellin (FBK-cit, GPI)
Truck Drivers as Stakeholders in Cooperative Driving
Freek de Bruijn and Jacques Terken (Eindhoven University of Technology)
13:25 Session 12D - Ambient Persuasion and Smart Buildings
Session 12E - Ambient Assisted Living 1
room: VERDER
13:30 Impact of blinds usage on energy consumption: automatic versus manual control
Bernt Meerbeek, Thijs Van Druenen, Marielle Aarts, Evert Van Loenen and Emile Aarts (Philips Research, Eindhoven University of Technology)
Analyzing Sounds of Home Environment for Device Recognition
Svilen Dimitrov, Jochen Britz, Boris Brandherm and Jochen Frey (DFKI GmbH)
14:00 An investigation into perception-altering lighting concepts for supporting game designers in setting certain atmospheres within a videogame environment
Hendrik Johannes Nieuwdorp, Martin Beresford and Vassilis-Javed Khan (NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences)
SALT: Source-Agnostic Localization Technique based on context data from Binary Sensor Networks
Filippo Palumbo and Paolo Barsocchi (ISTI CNR)
14:30 Ambient Influence for Promoting Balanced Participation in Group Brainstorming
Gianluca Schiavo, Alessandro Cappelletti, Eleonora Mencarini, Oliviero Stock and Massimo Zancanaro (University of Trento, FBK-irst)
Monitoring Patients' Lifestyle with a Smartphone and Other Devices Placed Freely on the Body
Mitja Lustrek, Bozidara Cvetkovic and Vito Janko (Jozef Stefan Institute)
15:05Plenary session 12F - Workshop presentations
room: SAAL
15:10WS1. Ambient Persuasion
15:15WS2. Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments
15:20WS4. 6th Int. Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell14)
15:25WS5. Fourth International Workshop on Aesthetic Intelligence
15:30WS6. Ambient Play and Informal Learning
15:40 Session 12G - Context Awareness and Data Science
Session 12H - Ambient Assisted Living 2
room: VERDER
15:45 Learning and Recognizing Routines and Activities in SOFiA
Berardina De Carolis, Stefano Ferilli and Giulio Mallardi (Universita' di Bari)
SoPresent: an awareness system for connecting remote households
Pavan Dadlani, Boris De Ruyter, Tommaso Gritti, Caifeng Shan and Panos Markopoulos (Philips Research, Eindhoven University of Technology)
16:15 Discrete Control for Smart Environments through a Generic Finite-State-Models-Based Infrastructure
Mengxuan Zhao, Gilles Privat, Eric Rutten and Hassane Alla (Orange Labs, INRIA, GIPSA-Lab)
Recognition of Bed Postures using Mutual Capacitance Sensing
Silvia Rus, Tobias Große-Puppendahl and Arjan Kuijper (Fraunhofer IGD)
16:45 On-line Context Aware Physical Activity Recognition from the Accelerometer and Audio Sensors of smartphones
David Blachon, Doruk Coskun and Franois Portet (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)
Multi-tenancy aware Ambient Assisted Living Platforms in the Cloud
Carsten Stocklöw, Alejandro Medrano, Alvaro Fides Valero, Michele Girolami and Stefano Lenzi (Fraunhofer CGR, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, ISTI-CNR)

Thu, 13-11-2014
9:00Plenary session 13A - Opening and Keynote lectures
room: SAAL
9:00Opening by conference and program chairs
Keynote - Seeing and Feeling Air: Exploring Mid-air Displays and Haptics
Sriram Subramanian, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Keynote - Smile Sharing: Technologies for Facilitating Social Positive Behaviors
Kenji Suzuki, Associate Professor Center for Cybernics Research, University of Tsukuba, Japan
10:40 Plenary session 13B - New and Emerging Themes 1
room: SAAL
10:45Privacy Classification for Ambient Intelligence
Jasper van de Ven and Frank Dylla (University of Bremen)
11:15Developing a Face Monitoring Robot for a Deskworker
Ryosuke Kondo, Yutaka Deguchi and Einoshin Suzuki (Kyushu University)
11:45A benchmarking model for sensors in smart environments
Andreas Braun, Reiner Wichert, Arjan Kuijper and Dieter W. Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, TU Darmstadt)
13:15Plenary session 13C - Poster and Demo session
13:15Tap Location User Interface on a Bathtub Edge Using Embedded Acoustic Sensors
Daiki Ito and Shigeyuki Hirai (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Unconscious Signals for Elderly Bonding and Care
Kadian Davis, Jun Hu and Loe Feijs (Eindhoven University of Technology)
DolceVita: using IoT to re-appropriate a 1950's buffet as an interactive art exhibit
Irene Mavrommati, Kostas Grivas and George Birbilis (Hellenic Open University, University of Patras)
Visual Programming Environment for Coordinating Appliances and Services in a Smart House
Ryo Hashioka and Shigeyuki Hirai (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Monitoring Patients' Lifestyle with a Smartphone and Other Devices Placed Freely on the Body
Mitja Lustrek, Bozidara Cvetkovic and Vito Janko (Jozef Stefan Institute)
14:10Plenary session 13D - New and Emerging Themes 2
room: SAAL
14:15Multi-view Onboard Clustering of Skeleton Data for Fall Risk Discovery
Daisuke Takayama, Yutaka Deguchi, Shigeru Takano, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, Jean-Marc Petit and Einoshin Suzuki (Kyushu University, INSA de Lyon, CNRS)
14:45WATCHiT: a modular and wearable tool for data collection in crisis management and training
Simone Mora and Monica Divitini (NTNU Norway)
15:15Real-Time Event Detection for Energy Data Streams
Aqeel Kazmi, Michael O'Grady and Gregory O'Hare (University College Dublin)
15:30Plenary session 13E - Closing session
room: SAAL

Instructions for presenters and session chairs are available here.