Instructions for presenters |
At least one of the authors for each paper should be present at AmI 2014. Here are some instructions for presenters: |
Full papers are allocated 30' of the program, of which the presentation itself should take 25', leaving 5' for discussion.
Short papers are allocated 15' each, of which 10 minutes are for the presentation and 5' for discussion.
Presenters of full and short papers are requested to make themselves known to their session chair before the session, so that (s)he can announce you properly.
Before the session please check that your presentation displays propertly (check video and audio especially are played as expected).
Poster presenters should print their posters on A1 format and hang them on the A1 as from the first day of the conerence |
Instructions for session chairs |
Paper presentations should be a maximum of 25' allowing 5' for discussion and change to the next speaker.
Your task is to ensure the session runs smoothly, but also to try to support a lively discussion. Here are a few tips to help you do this: |
Before the session
Identify your speakers before the session and make sure you can announce them correctly.
There will be a student volunteer responsible for the AV stuff present before sessions to make sure that presentations run smoothly.
Be there 15' before the start of the session to see if your help/intervention is needed by any speaker
Collect presentations on the laptop in the room to make switching speakers as fast as possible
Explain your role to presenters, so that they know what to expect from you (e.g., I will show you a sign at 5') |
During the session
Introduce very briefly yourself to the audience.
Introduce the papers and speakers.
Help speakers keep the time, e.g., showing a warning card. There will be cards marked "5 minutes," "1 minute," and "Please finish!" for all session Chairs (available in the room of the session)
Apply timing strictly - the session should start on time, and each paper should within 25' max.
After a paper presentation, you can take questions by the audience or ask the speakers questions. The overall aim is to help the audience engage with the speakers; you are welcome to try what works for you.
Close the session, making if necessary any organizational announcements needed. |