Chair |
PRIVAT Gilles | France Telecom, R&D | France |
Members |
BAILLY Gérard | ICP - ELESA | France |
BENLARBI-DELAI Aziz | IEMN Lille | France |
CAELEN Jean | CLIPS - IMAG | France |
COUTAZ Joelle | CLIPS - IMAG | France |
CROWLEY L. James | GRAVIR - IMAG | France |
DE RUYTER Boris | Philips Research Eindhoven | Netherlands |
DELANEY Kieran | NMRC | Ireland |
K. DEY Anind | Intel Research Berkeley | USA |
DIVITINI Monica | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway |
DOBSON Simon | University College Dublin | Ireland |
DUDA Andrzej | LSR - IMAG | France |
EGGEN Berry | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
ENZ Christian | CSEM | Switzerland |
FARSHCHIAN Babak | Telenor R&D | Norway |
FERNSTROM Christer | XEROX Research | France |
FERREIRA Paulo | INESC ID/IST | Portugal |
W. GELLERSEN Hans | University of Lancaster | UK |
GHALI Hani | University of Ain Shams | Egypt |
GIROUX Sylvain | Université de Sherbrooke | Canada |
GRAVES PETERSON Marianne | University of Aarhus | Denmark |
HOLMQUIST Lars Erik | Viktoria Institute | Sweden |
IJSSELSTEIJN Wijnand | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
KAMEAS Achilles | Computer Technology Institute - Hellenic Open University | Greece |
KROSE Ben | University of Amsterdam - Hogeschool van Amsterdam | Netherlands |
MALLEIN Philippe | UPMF - CNRS | France |
MARKOPOULOS Panos | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
MAVROMMATI Irene | Computer Technology Institute - University of the Aegean | Greece |
NIXON Paddy | Strathclyde University | UK |
NORROS Leena | VTT | Finland |
PENTLAND Alex | MIT/Medialab | USA |
PIRHONEN Antti | University of Jyväskylä | Finland |
PLOMP Johan | VTT Electronics | Finland |
POSEGGA Joachim | Universität Hamburg | Germany |
PRIVAT Gilles | France Télécom R&D | France |
RAFFLER Hartmut | Siemens AG, Corporate Technology | Germany |
RENAUDIN Marc | TIMA - IMAG | France |
ROBERTSON Patrick | DLR | Germany |
ROEDIG Utz | University College Cork | Ireland |
ROUSSOS George | Birkbeck, University of London | UK |
SCHIELE Bernt | TU Darmstadt | Switzerland |
SCHIMDT Albrecht | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany |
STATHIS Kostas | City University of London | UK |
STEFANI Jean-Bernard | INRIA Rhône-Alpes | France |
STREITZ Norbert | Fraunhofer IPSI | Germany |
VAN LAERHOVEN Kristof | University of Lancaster | UK |
VAN LOENEN Evert | Philips Research Eindhoven | Netherlands |
WILLIAMS Howard | Herriot-Watt University | UK |
WILSON Andy | Microsoft Research | USA |