
Sep. 2, 2007 Submission
Oct. 1, 2007 Notification
Nov. 7, 2007 Workshop

The workshop will take place at AmI-07.



Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering for Ambient Intelligence Applications

| schedule | call for papers | additional information | people | submission | news |  


Call for Papers

The implementation of AmI applications is a task of tremendous complexity requiring the seamless integration of heterogeneous systems in an open and flexible way while providing the means for adaptivity and context-awareness. For example, intelligent user interfaces have to adapt to the available modalities for interaction or several ubiquitous devices have to cooperate to realize smart environments.

New engineering approaches are needed in order to facilitate the efficient design, development and the deployment of AmI applications. Model driven approaches may be able to contribute to a solution by providing the means to build specific applications in a (semi-)automatic way from abstract models using well-defined transformations. The workshop will deal with all aspects concerning the application of model driven approaches for AmI applications and should help to evaluate their potential. Hereby, the workshop concentrates on, but is not restricted to the following aspects:

  • software engineering techniques and methodologies,
  • model specification, languages and ontologies,
  • (semi-)automatic model transformation,
  • model checking, validation and verification,
  • formal specification of system-user interaction and system behaviour,
  • modeling tasks, users, devices, context and situation,
  • development tools,
  • context-aware adaptation, and
  • multimodal interaction and user interfaces.

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