November 11 - 13, 2014 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands






Short papers

Submission deadline: see the dates overview page
Short papers should report original work addressing one of the featured conference themes. Compared to full papers, short papers can be more exploratory and preliminary in nature, provide only a brief summary of related work, but present a concrete contribution of a more narrow and specific scope. Papers must identify and cite briefly relevant published work and explain how the paper furthers state of the art within the field of Ambient Intelligence. Accompanying papers with demonstrations is very much encouraged and will weigh positively towards the acceptance of the paper.

All accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer. Submissions must not exceed 4 pages in length including references and should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system. Short papers should be anonymized and adhere the format provided in the template (see submission guidelines).

Accepted short papers will be considered as candidate for the AmI Best Paper Award.