November 11 - 13, 2014 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands







Submission deadline: see the dates overview page
We invite demonstrations that have not been previously published or that have not been shown at previous editions of AmI, or that present a clear leap forward from earlier demonstrations. Demonstrations can accompany a submission in the full or short paper category and will be reviewed as such; on submission authors should indicate that they propose to demonstrate their work, and should provide a short description (150 words) of the demonstration set up.


Submissions are invited that present ongoing work with a high potential that will be displayed as posters during the conference. Poster submissions should clearly relate to one of the featured conference themes. They are aimed at showing work in progress (such as interesting early results or valuable student projects) that is more exploratory or with tentative results. Poster submissions include an extended abstract summarizing the work, that should be a maximum of 4 pages using the Springer format. Poster abstracts will be published with participants in the extended abstracts proceedings that will be distributed to conference attendees.

Authors wishing to submit a poster or demo to AmI-14 should do so using the EasyChair system.

Accepted posters will be considered as candidate for the AmI Best Poster Award.